


Generations of Virtue Asia Trip 2010
Week of September 26th – October 2nd

Packing – that we will bring everything necessary, we won’t bring too much, and we
won’t forget anything

Travel – peace and grace on flights especially with the kids. Safety in the airports and a
smooth schedule.

Kay – Kay is currently traveling to N. Korea. Please pray for his protection and for him
to accomplish everything God wants him to

Hotel in Singapore – please pray our lodging in Singapore will fall into place according
to God’s will

We’ll get over jet lag quickly

Financial provision – specifically that God will provide the rest of the finances necessary
to go on the trip

God will meet us at every point

God will open doors to spread His message of purity

Our website will continue to prosper while we are gone


As I Wait

Just something to keep in mind. It being the last day of summer: we're proceeding into a new season....Fall, and a new season in our individual lives. Keep your eyes focused where they should be, and be encouraged :) For He is faithful! And....um....pray that I find my travel size hair conditioner before we leave for Asia next week. Thanks :)

As I wait, I wish and pray-
Hoping to meet you someday.
Far away seems the time,
When you will hold me,
And be forever mine.
Terribly stretching seems
The wait for you.
Sometimes I pray
You’d just get here soon.
But what if I already know you?
And you I?
And if in the end,
God takes us by surprise?
Suppose there be a day,
When I wake to hear God say,
“My daughter, he is worth this wait.
Don’t pursue a certain date
For my timing is perfect and never late.
A closing to a simple rhythm.
But never a close to the purpose
I have in mind.
So patiently await-
And disappointment you will never find.
For my timing is perfect and oh so divine.
It will sweep you off your feet,
And you will never regret,
This time of waiting-
As I see fit to complete.
~Brianna Hiramine


Ok....(breath in, breath out.)

If you've ever packed in a week for a 2 month mission trip, in which you will be participating in strenuous activities and otherwise unheard of incidents, then you know how we all feel at this time. By next Thursday I have to be packed and 'ready to roll'. No...I'm not stressed or anything. ;) This is when you really have to lean into God's organization abilities. Fourteen people on a 9 week mission trip isn't easy, but we've made it through before and we're all looking forward to doing it again. Some of our team went just last month on the first (drumroll please) Christian Forex trip ever! Hearing the stories they brought back only heightened our excitement. Thanks for all your prayers!



Ahhh...summer. And convention season.


"Did you hear that crack?"
::lifting heavy box into trailer...::
"Uh, ya....what was it?"
"It was JUST my back."

This morning, Stac and Bri were assigned to wash the Generations of Virtue flooring....You know that cushy tile that they have in preschool thats multi colored and helps children not kill themselves each time they tumble. Well, we have A LOT of purple ones for our booth at conferences. They help the customers feet and ours during long hours. But they are an ultimate pain to put down, tear up, and of course....wash.....

SO: we usually, as the angels that we are, ::see my halo?:: offer generously to do it after shows. Well...... we.......are actually told to. Stac claims its worse then inventory. I think its (this is Bri, here) second to inventory.

And thus, we found ourselves outside on the front driveway by 9 am, scrubbing vigorously all the marks and dirt off the floors. Hot hose, dish soap, baking soda, and scrubbers/sponges....we work away a good 2 hours. Bri, reminicsing about friends from conference season...says in a melancholy tone: "We're just, like, washing away the footprints of friends....."
"Bri! That is soo depressing." Stac ::rolls eyes:: and flings soap suds in her direction.

Lay out, scrub, rinse, move to sun, dry, flip like pancakes to dry both sides, and stack....put back in bags.
Last step: Stac and Bri lying out themselves on the hot driveway...soaked, and breathing hard. Bri is now halucinating and not making any sense.

Moral: sad though it is: its true. Convention season is done, and a new season is opening up its doors...um. We don't know what this next season involves, but we know one thing: God's on it, and we don't have to wash mats for at least 6 months! (Stac here. personally, I don't think that's a moral, but were tiered...uhhh, tired, and I suppose Bri knows best.)

Combined effort,
Bri and Stac