Only a Shadow....
Colossians 2:17 (Amplified Bible)
17Such [things] are only the shadow of things that are to come, and they have only a symbolic value. But the reality (the substance, the solid fact of what is foreshadowed, the body of it) belongs to Christ.
Praise God!
Welcome back to GOVJRCREW.
Sorry we haven't been on really enough go keep you detailed. But give us a high five. GOV Team has officially reached sight of the finish line. The 9 Week Missions Trip to Southeast Asia is only a few days away from being complete! Through God's Faithful provision, your prayers and support, and some amazing people whom we've met on the way, God has sent us to:
Singapore, Malaysia, East Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, two islands of Indonesia, South Korea and the Philippines!
We have ministered numbers of Teens, Parents, and Kids.
We'll be posting some more stats, as well as a full Praise Report List from our Journey. As we unwind- and head for the final leg of our trip: the 2 day flight back to the States. Pray that we complete this final part of our trip and that God's favor will continue to precede us all. Many Blessings from here in Thailand! And Merry Christmas =D
The GOV JR Crew
Welcome to the Generations of Virtue Jr Crew Blog! As the Generations of Virtue Team's youngest members~also referred to as, 'Forever Interns,' we're going to keep teens up on the "latest" of GOV's prayer requests, flight cancellations and happy endings. We're together in this journey called life(and the constant struggle to find a worthy gas station). After all, home is where you're toothbrush is. ~Hebrews 12:1
Ephesians 3:16-20 (Amplified Version.)
Go read it.
Com’n, right now- it doesn’t take that long people: just google it or bring it up on Bible Gateway or something. I just need you to read this verse for yourself.
Hold it.
Read it again. Soak it in- immerse yourself in its meaning, ask yourself questions about what it truly means…and what God wants it to mean to you personally. It meant something different for me-as it will for you!
The day I flipped to that particular scripture-I was having a rough day. Like: one of those, “cry-every-few-minutes” kind. I have those far and few between-but this was different. I needed the essence of that verse. I felt dry and cracked up inside-and all I wanted was to find some sort of acceptance or praise from somebody-but nothing was filling the gap. I needed Him.
Especially as teens: we focus WAY too much on grapeling with our own self esteem. We look to our friends, our parents, our teachers and pretty much anybody else but God. And there IS a point where we become so dry inside for a promise of love that we can’t take it anymore.
But in this verse, it not only is a promise of His love…Oh no, it goes beyond that. It is a “Blessing” to us…to not only experience that Love-but that others may come to know and desire that Love through watching us. THAT is powerful. Not only powerful-but world changing. This verse isn’t just some ‘encouragement for a sec’ guys. It’s a promise and a blessing. But you need to claim it for your own. So take that verse…In faith: accept it…rebuke the enemy for stealing it…receive the promise, and take it to heart…
Others will watch and see… and will be astonished at the Love of Christ flowing through you. And they will ask. And know. And also receive.
And run with it too…
(Written here in Jakarta, Indonesia)
See? That verse made ya smile. Admit it: your smiling. It makes me smile everytime I read it, too.
Go read it.
Com’n, right now- it doesn’t take that long people: just google it or bring it up on Bible Gateway or something. I just need you to read this verse for yourself.
Hold it.
Read it again. Soak it in- immerse yourself in its meaning, ask yourself questions about what it truly means…and what God wants it to mean to you personally. It meant something different for me-as it will for you!
The day I flipped to that particular scripture-I was having a rough day. Like: one of those, “cry-every-few-minutes” kind. I have those far and few between-but this was different. I needed the essence of that verse. I felt dry and cracked up inside-and all I wanted was to find some sort of acceptance or praise from somebody-but nothing was filling the gap. I needed Him.
Especially as teens: we focus WAY too much on grapeling with our own self esteem. We look to our friends, our parents, our teachers and pretty much anybody else but God. And there IS a point where we become so dry inside for a promise of love that we can’t take it anymore.
But in this verse, it not only is a promise of His love…Oh no, it goes beyond that. It is a “Blessing” to us…to not only experience that Love-but that others may come to know and desire that Love through watching us. THAT is powerful. Not only powerful-but world changing. This verse isn’t just some ‘encouragement for a sec’ guys. It’s a promise and a blessing. But you need to claim it for your own. So take that verse…In faith: accept it…rebuke the enemy for stealing it…receive the promise, and take it to heart…
Others will watch and see… and will be astonished at the Love of Christ flowing through you. And they will ask. And know. And also receive.
And run with it too…
(Written here in Jakarta, Indonesia)
See? That verse made ya smile. Admit it: your smiling. It makes me smile everytime I read it, too.
Elephant PIC
Update from here in Singapore!
Here’s an update from here in hazy but beautiful Singapore...(BTW: for 2 weeks out of the year, Singapore’s city skyline is filled with thick air and hazy smoke. Its because Indonesia is burning its crops at the end of their harvest. Its the middle of the two weeks now...But it looks like rain right now! Had a section of the Teen Track this afternoon for 100 middle schoolers at an international school! It went great, and we had fun hanging and speaking with them.
Praise God for making way before us, and for preparing the hearts of those we reach! Check out: for
Generations of Virtue’s complete blog!
::In the living room of our apartment here in Singapore... a few members of the GOV team and I are sitting around each with his or her laptop::
Each intently working on emails, updating websites, Twitter, FB, Blogs, arranging and booking flights, taxis and different engagements, im-promtu staff meeting to sort out the kinks. One of the girls gets an email. It totally brightened and made our day over here in Singapore! Your support means so much, and we really do feel your prayers over here =D Blessings back at ya from here in beautiful Southeast Asia.
Hello GOV,
I attended a conference by guys back in June at my local homeschool it changed my life!
You all are so encouraging and it strengthened my faith and I realized what a call to purity God has given us.
I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you all as you travel to Asia and that God will grow you in your faith and help you reach others for Him.
Grace, Peace and Love in our Heavenly Daddy....
Thanks for your prayers! =D
Headed for dinner!
Praise God for making way before us, and for preparing the hearts of those we reach! Check out: for
Generations of Virtue’s complete blog!
::In the living room of our apartment here in Singapore... a few members of the GOV team and I are sitting around each with his or her laptop::
Each intently working on emails, updating websites, Twitter, FB, Blogs, arranging and booking flights, taxis and different engagements, im-promtu staff meeting to sort out the kinks. One of the girls gets an email. It totally brightened and made our day over here in Singapore! Your support means so much, and we really do feel your prayers over here =D Blessings back at ya from here in beautiful Southeast Asia.
Hello GOV,
I attended a conference by guys back in June at my local homeschool it changed my life!
You all are so encouraging and it strengthened my faith and I realized what a call to purity God has given us.
I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you all as you travel to Asia and that God will grow you in your faith and help you reach others for Him.
Grace, Peace and Love in our Heavenly Daddy....
Thanks for your prayers! =D
Headed for dinner!
O Dumbo....
Amen Sista. (I rode it too: and it was an awesome family bonding time together =D I am SO taking my family to ride elephants into jungle rivers at least once…God is ultimately creative in all that He has made! I learned some awesome facts about those gentle giants-check these out: They are one of the only animals that celebrates a birth, and mourns a death. They stick together through thick and thin in families. They can live to be up to 80 years old! And good grief: an elephants pregnancy term is up to 22 months! They have an amazing memory, and are one of the only creatures who can process a situation and actually reach a concensis and solve the problem. Oh, and note to self: they are not as cushy as they look. Their backbone sticks out a good 10 inches, and that thing has Big hips-I thought I would fall off with its swagger. They are now one of my favorite animals. That and whales. Humpback whales are incredible. If you go to Hawaii between the months of December to March-the humpback whales are there to have their babies-due to the warm water and food. Humpbacks will celebrate each birth-if a baby is born, they sound the announcement, and for miles around-simultanously-they will all jump up to the surface to celebrate. That’s why its one of the best times to go whale watching. Anyway- God’s creation is so outstanding….and if He put this much effort and creativity into whales and elephants: how much more did He put into you? What did HE want YOU to accomplish for His glory in your time right now?
Yeah. I go deep into this elephant riding stuff. I had a blast-and will have more fun as I delve deeper into this time God’s given me right here and now. I challenge you to do the same.
Blessings from here in hot Malaysia, (I am writing this sitting on the marble floor to try to cool down…pray for a cold streak will ya? :P)
Munch on that for awhile and thanks for all your prayers,
(This was written sometime last week. Quick REAL update: entire crew is here in Singapore for another week! Getting ready to leave for a big teen track at a school this afternoon! (Your middle of the night).....Praise God for His headway as we watch Him work His way and unfold things only He can imagine! =D )
Yeah. I go deep into this elephant riding stuff. I had a blast-and will have more fun as I delve deeper into this time God’s given me right here and now. I challenge you to do the same.
Blessings from here in hot Malaysia, (I am writing this sitting on the marble floor to try to cool down…pray for a cold streak will ya? :P)
Munch on that for awhile and thanks for all your prayers,
(This was written sometime last week. Quick REAL update: entire crew is here in Singapore for another week! Getting ready to leave for a big teen track at a school this afternoon! (Your middle of the night).....Praise God for His headway as we watch Him work His way and unfold things only He can imagine! =D )
Malaysia: elephants and murky rivers.
Note to self: when riding an elephant wear those old-fashioned laundry clips over my nose. They are not the best smelling animals on earth but are definitely one of the funnest to ride.
*I rode an elephant
Sometimes you wonder if someone dared you to get dumped into a murky river in the middle of the Jungle by an elephant…would you do it? Ok….maybe you have never wondered that, but still. Would you? I did. And I wasn’t even dared. I admit. I’m proud of myself. If you ever get a chance to do that do that in an instant. The sheer thrill of riding an exotic animal is beyond words. You try to captivate a memory like that forever, sealing it permanently in a little capsule. :P And there it is. Any exciting memory can sustain you in those times where life drones on in an endless stream…etc….etc….A memory is one of those things you cannot delete. That’s why its SO important to look and experience only the things that God wants us to. We cannot delete them. They are there forever, constantly coming back to us at the worst of times. But we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. There are plenty of temptations out there, so you won’t be lacking for practice. :P As you can see, I like making life lessons out of fun things. Always looking for something new (and washing the smell out of my Elephant Clothes) ☺
Did you know that elephants have, like, six times the brain capacity as us! I’m feeling slightly dwarfed…. =D
*I rode an elephant
Sometimes you wonder if someone dared you to get dumped into a murky river in the middle of the Jungle by an elephant…would you do it? Ok….maybe you have never wondered that, but still. Would you? I did. And I wasn’t even dared. I admit. I’m proud of myself. If you ever get a chance to do that do that in an instant. The sheer thrill of riding an exotic animal is beyond words. You try to captivate a memory like that forever, sealing it permanently in a little capsule. :P And there it is. Any exciting memory can sustain you in those times where life drones on in an endless stream…etc….etc….A memory is one of those things you cannot delete. That’s why its SO important to look and experience only the things that God wants us to. We cannot delete them. They are there forever, constantly coming back to us at the worst of times. But we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. There are plenty of temptations out there, so you won’t be lacking for practice. :P As you can see, I like making life lessons out of fun things. Always looking for something new (and washing the smell out of my Elephant Clothes) ☺
Did you know that elephants have, like, six times the brain capacity as us! I’m feeling slightly dwarfed…. =D
Check out the website for a glimpse of the GOV team's latest doings ;) Lol......and don't forget to follow on Twitter and FB. We will post soon again. Limited internet for us-but we're doing great! Headed to Singapore on Monday! In KL, Malaysia right now-and the GOV team is ministering today in East Malaysia! Keep them in prayer!
Check out the website for a glimpse of the GOV team's latest doings ;) Lol......and don't forget to follow on Twitter and FB. We will post soon again. Limited internet for us-but we're doing great! Headed to Singapore on Monday! In KL, Malaysia right now-and the GOV team is ministering today in East Malaysia! Keep them in prayer!
Greetings from Singapore!
Generations of Virtue landed safe and sound along with all their luggage, boxes of resources, and gear…oh ya….and us kids too. They didn’t forget those somewhere. We had safe flights and are resting in Singapore for the following few days. Here’s a few prayer requests to keep in mind for the next few days:
Pray for Julie-the next few days she has a quick turnaround from jetlag to begin her ministry here in Singapore. Pray for alertness, easy nights and added grace. So far, her first 3 events and speaking engagments have gone off splendidly!
Keep the little ones in prayer: jet lag is times 10 for a three year old…especially when its completely opposite time zone.
Pray for added health protection. The flu is still a big deal over here, and we don’t want to catch anything. But so far, we are all in pretty good shape!
Multiple guardian angels as we travel around the city-by taxi, MRT, walking, and other transportation.
That would be it for all. Weight for the bags came in right on the dot. Praise the Lord! No bags were lost or missing, all 37 were accounted for-and that includes the boxes of GOV books and resources! Flights were smooth and we arrived safe and sound. Obviously.
Random fact: I did not know you could have avacado shortcake. Yeah. Did not partake on that course.
We attended an amazing 10,000 member church here on Sunday morning. Connection with leaders and pastors and continuing on to multiple meetings and events. Thank you all for your prayers-and may God bless you and keep you all over there in the US and elsewhere, and may He keep us here in Singapore. We’ll keep ya updated as within the next few days-we move onto our next stop: Malaysia! Tomorrow we head to KL.
Generations of Virtue landed safe and sound along with all their luggage, boxes of resources, and gear…oh ya….and us kids too. They didn’t forget those somewhere. We had safe flights and are resting in Singapore for the following few days. Here’s a few prayer requests to keep in mind for the next few days:
Pray for Julie-the next few days she has a quick turnaround from jetlag to begin her ministry here in Singapore. Pray for alertness, easy nights and added grace. So far, her first 3 events and speaking engagments have gone off splendidly!
Keep the little ones in prayer: jet lag is times 10 for a three year old…especially when its completely opposite time zone.
Pray for added health protection. The flu is still a big deal over here, and we don’t want to catch anything. But so far, we are all in pretty good shape!
Multiple guardian angels as we travel around the city-by taxi, MRT, walking, and other transportation.
That would be it for all. Weight for the bags came in right on the dot. Praise the Lord! No bags were lost or missing, all 37 were accounted for-and that includes the boxes of GOV books and resources! Flights were smooth and we arrived safe and sound. Obviously.
Random fact: I did not know you could have avacado shortcake. Yeah. Did not partake on that course.
We attended an amazing 10,000 member church here on Sunday morning. Connection with leaders and pastors and continuing on to multiple meetings and events. Thank you all for your prayers-and may God bless you and keep you all over there in the US and elsewhere, and may He keep us here in Singapore. We’ll keep ya updated as within the next few days-we move onto our next stop: Malaysia! Tomorrow we head to KL.
Generations of Virtue Asia Trip 2010
Week of September 26th – October 2nd
Packing – that we will bring everything necessary, we won’t bring too much, and we
won’t forget anything
Travel – peace and grace on flights especially with the kids. Safety in the airports and a
smooth schedule.
Kay – Kay is currently traveling to N. Korea. Please pray for his protection and for him
to accomplish everything God wants him to
Hotel in Singapore – please pray our lodging in Singapore will fall into place according
to God’s will
We’ll get over jet lag quickly
Financial provision – specifically that God will provide the rest of the finances necessary
to go on the trip
God will meet us at every point
God will open doors to spread His message of purity
Our website will continue to prosper while we are gone
Generations of Virtue Asia Trip 2010
Week of September 26th – October 2nd
Packing – that we will bring everything necessary, we won’t bring too much, and we
won’t forget anything
Travel – peace and grace on flights especially with the kids. Safety in the airports and a
smooth schedule.
Kay – Kay is currently traveling to N. Korea. Please pray for his protection and for him
to accomplish everything God wants him to
Hotel in Singapore – please pray our lodging in Singapore will fall into place according
to God’s will
We’ll get over jet lag quickly
Financial provision – specifically that God will provide the rest of the finances necessary
to go on the trip
God will meet us at every point
God will open doors to spread His message of purity
Our website will continue to prosper while we are gone
As I Wait
Just something to keep in mind. It being the last day of summer: we're proceeding into a new season....Fall, and a new season in our individual lives. Keep your eyes focused where they should be, and be encouraged :) For He is faithful! that I find my travel size hair conditioner before we leave for Asia next week. Thanks :)
As I wait, I wish and pray-
Hoping to meet you someday.
Far away seems the time,
When you will hold me,
And be forever mine.
Terribly stretching seems
The wait for you.
Sometimes I pray
You’d just get here soon.
But what if I already know you?
And you I?
And if in the end,
God takes us by surprise?
Suppose there be a day,
When I wake to hear God say,
“My daughter, he is worth this wait.
Don’t pursue a certain date
For my timing is perfect and never late.
A closing to a simple rhythm.
But never a close to the purpose
I have in mind.
So patiently await-
And disappointment you will never find.
For my timing is perfect and oh so divine.
It will sweep you off your feet,
And you will never regret,
This time of waiting-
As I see fit to complete.
~Brianna Hiramine
As I wait, I wish and pray-
Hoping to meet you someday.
Far away seems the time,
When you will hold me,
And be forever mine.
Terribly stretching seems
The wait for you.
Sometimes I pray
You’d just get here soon.
But what if I already know you?
And you I?
And if in the end,
God takes us by surprise?
Suppose there be a day,
When I wake to hear God say,
“My daughter, he is worth this wait.
Don’t pursue a certain date
For my timing is perfect and never late.
A closing to a simple rhythm.
But never a close to the purpose
I have in mind.
So patiently await-
And disappointment you will never find.
For my timing is perfect and oh so divine.
It will sweep you off your feet,
And you will never regret,
This time of waiting-
As I see fit to complete.
~Brianna Hiramine
Ok....(breath in, breath out.)
If you've ever packed in a week for a 2 month mission trip, in which you will be participating in strenuous activities and otherwise unheard of incidents, then you know how we all feel at this time. By next Thursday I have to be packed and 'ready to roll'. No...I'm not stressed or anything. ;) This is when you really have to lean into God's organization abilities. Fourteen people on a 9 week mission trip isn't easy, but we've made it through before and we're all looking forward to doing it again. Some of our team went just last month on the first (drumroll please) Christian Forex trip ever! Hearing the stories they brought back only heightened our excitement. Thanks for all your prayers!
Ahhh...summer. And convention season.
"Did you hear that crack?"
::lifting heavy box into trailer...::
"Uh, ya....what was it?"
"It was JUST my back."
This morning, Stac and Bri were assigned to wash the Generations of Virtue flooring....You know that cushy tile that they have in preschool thats multi colored and helps children not kill themselves each time they tumble. Well, we have A LOT of purple ones for our booth at conferences. They help the customers feet and ours during long hours. But they are an ultimate pain to put down, tear up, and of course....wash.....
SO: we usually, as the angels that we are, ::see my halo?:: offer generously to do it after shows. Well...... we.......are actually told to. Stac claims its worse then inventory. I think its (this is Bri, here) second to inventory.
And thus, we found ourselves outside on the front driveway by 9 am, scrubbing vigorously all the marks and dirt off the floors. Hot hose, dish soap, baking soda, and scrubbers/sponges....we work away a good 2 hours. Bri, reminicsing about friends from conference season...says in a melancholy tone: "We're just, like, washing away the footprints of friends....."
"Bri! That is soo depressing." Stac ::rolls eyes:: and flings soap suds in her direction.
Lay out, scrub, rinse, move to sun, dry, flip like pancakes to dry both sides, and stack....put back in bags.
Last step: Stac and Bri lying out themselves on the hot driveway...soaked, and breathing hard. Bri is now halucinating and not making any sense.
Moral: sad though it is: its true. Convention season is done, and a new season is opening up its We don't know what this next season involves, but we know one thing: God's on it, and we don't have to wash mats for at least 6 months! (Stac here. personally, I don't think that's a moral, but were tiered...uhhh, tired, and I suppose Bri knows best.)
Combined effort,
Bri and Stac
"Did you hear that crack?"
::lifting heavy box into trailer...::
"Uh, ya....what was it?"
"It was JUST my back."
This morning, Stac and Bri were assigned to wash the Generations of Virtue flooring....You know that cushy tile that they have in preschool thats multi colored and helps children not kill themselves each time they tumble. Well, we have A LOT of purple ones for our booth at conferences. They help the customers feet and ours during long hours. But they are an ultimate pain to put down, tear up, and of course....wash.....
SO: we usually, as the angels that we are, ::see my halo?:: offer generously to do it after shows. Well...... we.......are actually told to. Stac claims its worse then inventory. I think its (this is Bri, here) second to inventory.
And thus, we found ourselves outside on the front driveway by 9 am, scrubbing vigorously all the marks and dirt off the floors. Hot hose, dish soap, baking soda, and scrubbers/sponges....we work away a good 2 hours. Bri, reminicsing about friends from conference season...says in a melancholy tone: "We're just, like, washing away the footprints of friends....."
"Bri! That is soo depressing." Stac ::rolls eyes:: and flings soap suds in her direction.
Lay out, scrub, rinse, move to sun, dry, flip like pancakes to dry both sides, and stack....put back in bags.
Last step: Stac and Bri lying out themselves on the hot driveway...soaked, and breathing hard. Bri is now halucinating and not making any sense.
Moral: sad though it is: its true. Convention season is done, and a new season is opening up its We don't know what this next season involves, but we know one thing: God's on it, and we don't have to wash mats for at least 6 months! (Stac here. personally, I don't think that's a moral, but were tiered...uhhh, tired, and I suppose Bri knows best.)
Combined effort,
Bri and Stac
Countdown Begins...
Countdown begins. In earnest. For real. 39 days until we leave the country.
The quiet before the storm…..
Er, not exactly. An eight week missions trip for 14 people to 8 different countries in Souteast Asia is by no means planned in one meeting….or one pot of coffee. So much planning:
Transportation, plane tickets, passports, visas, health regulations, packing, continuing to supervise Headquarters and Wharehouse while being out of the country, planning speaking engagements….meeting with different international Christian aid workers, working with various ministries…conecting with leaders……..shall I go on? Packing clothes, resources, basic needs, planning lodging for each country. Stuff for the kids to do on the 17 hour plane ride, balancing weight restrictions for tight luggage space, international phone plans, and so much more that I can’t even begin to eleaborate on.
Feeling overwhelmed just reading this? God is able, His Grace is sufficient and nothing is beyong His provision.
Keep the group in prayer as we embark on this journey. Check out our latest Asia Clip link below to catch a glimpse of what we’ll be doing in Southeast Asia this next few months…
The quiet before the storm…..
Er, not exactly. An eight week missions trip for 14 people to 8 different countries in Souteast Asia is by no means planned in one meeting….or one pot of coffee. So much planning:
Transportation, plane tickets, passports, visas, health regulations, packing, continuing to supervise Headquarters and Wharehouse while being out of the country, planning speaking engagements….meeting with different international Christian aid workers, working with various ministries…conecting with leaders……..shall I go on? Packing clothes, resources, basic needs, planning lodging for each country. Stuff for the kids to do on the 17 hour plane ride, balancing weight restrictions for tight luggage space, international phone plans, and so much more that I can’t even begin to eleaborate on.
Feeling overwhelmed just reading this? God is able, His Grace is sufficient and nothing is beyong His provision.
Keep the group in prayer as we embark on this journey. Check out our latest Asia Clip link below to catch a glimpse of what we’ll be doing in Southeast Asia this next few months…
Who here is rather fed up with the weather lately? It won't heat up here in the west, then out in California it can't decide which way it'll go. I can't say anything about the east coast because everyone knows about the situation there. =D One country has so many different faces. Culture, food and climates. Not to mention the people. Different accents, skin color and so much more!
And then you widen your perspective a little. Look there. And there. Oh, and over there. And everywhere. All over the world people are ignorant of what He did to save us. Another thing is, God said he will not fulfill His promise of a new heaven and a new earth until all have learned the news,whether they accepted or not. How will they learn if there is no one to tell them? How shall they hear if no one speaks? If we ever want to be counted as true children of God, striving constantly to glorify His kingdom now and as it will be, then we should probably follow one of His greatest assurances.
Who here is rather fed up with the weather lately? It won't heat up here in the west, then out in California it can't decide which way it'll go. I can't say anything about the east coast because everyone knows about the situation there. =D One country has so many different faces. Culture, food and climates. Not to mention the people. Different accents, skin color and so much more!
And then you widen your perspective a little. Look there. And there. Oh, and over there. And everywhere. All over the world people are ignorant of what He did to save us. Another thing is, God said he will not fulfill His promise of a new heaven and a new earth until all have learned the news,whether they accepted or not. How will they learn if there is no one to tell them? How shall they hear if no one speaks? If we ever want to be counted as true children of God, striving constantly to glorify His kingdom now and as it will be, then we should probably follow one of His greatest assurances.
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:40)Now don't mistake me here. I'm not saying to pack your bag's and head of to Zambia right now. By starting with the little things, (1. Helping the Lady with triplets at the store get her cart. 2.Making sure the Elderly Gentleman has a place to sit on the bus. 3.Getting that Little Lost Boy at the Mall back to his mom...etc.) you are showing a Christian attitude and spreading the Gospel a new way . Not to mention 'Doing it to the Least of these.'
Welcome Back :)
Welcome back to Govjrcrew!!!
In the brief break in which we left you all hanging: here's the scoop on GOV's latest:
As of This Morning:
Generations of Virtue Team has saftly deposited the near-empty trailer: Shamoo in our garage. Shamoo is hibernating until January! There was a mix of feelings as he was tucked, at having completed another successful season of conferences, and relief too.
Now that the Conference season is done, this doesn't mean that GOV is just hanging out until January. Ohhh no...this is just half of the year gone by so far. Now that US national convention season is pretty much done, GOV moves on to the International Ministry side of things.
As we interview Katherine Lockhart, Director of Marketing:
"So, Katherine. What are you up to now that Shamoo is asleep?" (Bri)
"I am: organizing her desk while simultaneously planning and packing for Christian Forex's Pilot Trip." (Katherine)
Katherine is flying to Asia with two high school students from here in the Colorado area for a two week on ground ministry adventure. As they countdown the days (they fly out in a week), Katherine had some prayer requests to keep in mind.
"As the students and myself are preparing for this missions trip, pray for safety as we travel international, health and God's provision. As huge as this undertaking is, we're very excited and can't wait to see the fruit that this will produce." (Katherine)
If your interested as a student, or know of one who may be interested, we encourage you to check out Christian Forex's website to learn more about upcoming missions trips and how you can become involved. Forex
Keep in touch with Govjrcrew as the end of this summer and fall unfolds. This isn't the only International Missions Trip that GOV is helping out with. Check out and be sure to watch the video clip
Thanks for coming by!
In the brief break in which we left you all hanging: here's the scoop on GOV's latest:
As of This Morning:
Generations of Virtue Team has saftly deposited the near-empty trailer: Shamoo in our garage. Shamoo is hibernating until January! There was a mix of feelings as he was tucked, at having completed another successful season of conferences, and relief too.
Now that the Conference season is done, this doesn't mean that GOV is just hanging out until January. Ohhh no...this is just half of the year gone by so far. Now that US national convention season is pretty much done, GOV moves on to the International Ministry side of things.
As we interview Katherine Lockhart, Director of Marketing:
"So, Katherine. What are you up to now that Shamoo is asleep?" (Bri)
"I am: organizing her desk while simultaneously planning and packing for Christian Forex's Pilot Trip." (Katherine)
Katherine is flying to Asia with two high school students from here in the Colorado area for a two week on ground ministry adventure. As they countdown the days (they fly out in a week), Katherine had some prayer requests to keep in mind.
"As the students and myself are preparing for this missions trip, pray for safety as we travel international, health and God's provision. As huge as this undertaking is, we're very excited and can't wait to see the fruit that this will produce." (Katherine)
If your interested as a student, or know of one who may be interested, we encourage you to check out Christian Forex's website to learn more about upcoming missions trips and how you can become involved. Forex
Keep in touch with Govjrcrew as the end of this summer and fall unfolds. This isn't the only International Missions Trip that GOV is helping out with. Check out and be sure to watch the video clip
Thanks for coming by!
That is one large cliff.
Trusting God may be the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Some days it's like hurling yourself over a cliff, hoping by some magical force, there will be something to catch you. And that cliff is high…most likely with sharp rocks at the bottom…didn’t even think about the parachute as you climbed out of bed this morning…you would rather have a 'ho-hum' day if that's ok with God…etc.
I had an experience today that kind of reminded me of this constant struggle of trust.
As I leaned carefully over my little sisters 'science lab' I asked casually what she wanted to do today. She answers in pig latin, "cientistsay".
"ok...." I answered.
Gently tipping the chair I smiled as her eyes widen in amusement.
"Don't worry." I laugh.
"Cause you've got my blind-side, right?"
"Yeah..." I sniffed. "That's right.
The end
Ok. If I am willing to watch my little sister, even when she’s in no danger at all (besides lab explosions) then how much more do you think God would watch over his children. The ones who He has kept under his wing for thousands of years. Why not trust ourselves with Him. After all, He’s the guide, and probably brought an extra parachute along for just such an occasion. God’s got our blindside and He won’t ever give you more then you can handle. That’s a promise.
Going to check on the ‘lab’,
Check out the movie, 'Blindside'...Very inspiring. =)
I had an experience today that kind of reminded me of this constant struggle of trust.
As I leaned carefully over my little sisters 'science lab' I asked casually what she wanted to do today. She answers in pig latin, "cientistsay".
"ok...." I answered.
Gently tipping the chair I smiled as her eyes widen in amusement.
"Don't worry." I laugh.
"Cause you've got my blind-side, right?"
"Yeah..." I sniffed. "That's right.
The end
Ok. If I am willing to watch my little sister, even when she’s in no danger at all (besides lab explosions) then how much more do you think God would watch over his children. The ones who He has kept under his wing for thousands of years. Why not trust ourselves with Him. After all, He’s the guide, and probably brought an extra parachute along for just such an occasion. God’s got our blindside and He won’t ever give you more then you can handle. That’s a promise.
Going to check on the ‘lab’,
Check out the movie, 'Blindside'...Very inspiring. =)
Why don't I ever win?!
Story time:
A couple days ago, I was procrastinating whether I should go to a certain place or not. I sulked into the kitchen and threw myself into a chair and sighed loudly. My sister calmly asked what my matter was. I explained, and, (she being bestowed with great sense) suggested that I go and get a verse about it. I rushed to my Bible , fully expecting to get back-up for my case.
When I did succeed, I went back downstairs, dragging my feet with every step. Finally reaching the kitchen my sister, as cheerful as ever, asked what I got.
"Well..." I answered slowly, " Let's just say I think I should go."
"Ok." She smiled. "Go get ready then."
"But I-"
"Don't argue with me. God's the one who gave you the verse. What was it anyway?"
"Ummm....something like, 'Go. And the Lord be with you.'"
The End.
Now, personally, I really don't like arguing with God. He always wins. And, once you think about, He always will. So, If you take my opinion, don't. I still haven't learned it's absolutely futile. Every once in while I'll find myself blaming HIm for something I know is probably just part of the bigger scheme. Sometimes it's hard to accept the part given to you. You're the either the star of the show or just an extra. But remember. Extra's are important. After all, what would the whole dramatic world do without them. They're willing stepping-stones, always looking at the bigger picture. And helping. Always helping.
Getting ready to go,
A couple days ago, I was procrastinating whether I should go to a certain place or not. I sulked into the kitchen and threw myself into a chair and sighed loudly. My sister calmly asked what my matter was. I explained, and, (she being bestowed with great sense) suggested that I go and get a verse about it. I rushed to my Bible , fully expecting to get back-up for my case.
When I did succeed, I went back downstairs, dragging my feet with every step. Finally reaching the kitchen my sister, as cheerful as ever, asked what I got.
"Well..." I answered slowly, " Let's just say I think I should go."
"Ok." She smiled. "Go get ready then."
"But I-"
"Don't argue with me. God's the one who gave you the verse. What was it anyway?"
"Ummm....something like, 'Go. And the Lord be with you.'"
The End.
Now, personally, I really don't like arguing with God. He always wins. And, once you think about, He always will. So, If you take my opinion, don't. I still haven't learned it's absolutely futile. Every once in while I'll find myself blaming HIm for something I know is probably just part of the bigger scheme. Sometimes it's hard to accept the part given to you. You're the either the star of the show or just an extra. But remember. Extra's are important. After all, what would the whole dramatic world do without them. They're willing stepping-stones, always looking at the bigger picture. And helping. Always helping.
Getting ready to go,
Impossibilities Are His Delight
“We have a God who delights in impossibilities.” ~Andrew Murray
Now that is something to stop and think on.
There are many instances in our lives when, by instinct, we know what to do…Your reading an amazing book, and need to pause, you mark or save the page. Your writing something in Word, or Pages, and you save it (I always forget this, but that is just me.) You make sure you have your Drivers Permit before going out. Your cell phone is dead: you charge it. Your little brother is crying- you locate an ice cream bar.
There are just automatic responses to some things, but others: requires a second thought. The times when you debate with yourself about what is right, what your friend think, or how it will it affect you later. Those are the times when it gets harder, and when your first instinct, may not be the correct route to take, ya know what I mean? That’s why God tells us to ask Him when we don’t know what to do, and stop and think. “He Delights in impossibilities.” That means its His favorite thing to do! To reveal Himself to us and others around us-in the most miraculous ways.
Some choices will affect more then you know….and some bring pain, too. In times of grief or tough situations, we tend to forget this and just go for what ‘seems’ right. Pain blinds our perspectives and makes everything look fuzzy. That’s why instead of plowing ahead, we gotta think. And ask. And pray.
I walked a mile with Pleasure,
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne’er a word said she;
But, oh, the things I learned from her
When sorrow walked with me
There’s something to add to the stash of insight ;)
Now that is something to stop and think on.
There are many instances in our lives when, by instinct, we know what to do…Your reading an amazing book, and need to pause, you mark or save the page. Your writing something in Word, or Pages, and you save it (I always forget this, but that is just me.) You make sure you have your Drivers Permit before going out. Your cell phone is dead: you charge it. Your little brother is crying- you locate an ice cream bar.
There are just automatic responses to some things, but others: requires a second thought. The times when you debate with yourself about what is right, what your friend think, or how it will it affect you later. Those are the times when it gets harder, and when your first instinct, may not be the correct route to take, ya know what I mean? That’s why God tells us to ask Him when we don’t know what to do, and stop and think. “He Delights in impossibilities.” That means its His favorite thing to do! To reveal Himself to us and others around us-in the most miraculous ways.
Some choices will affect more then you know….and some bring pain, too. In times of grief or tough situations, we tend to forget this and just go for what ‘seems’ right. Pain blinds our perspectives and makes everything look fuzzy. That’s why instead of plowing ahead, we gotta think. And ask. And pray.
I walked a mile with Pleasure,
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne’er a word said she;
But, oh, the things I learned from her
When sorrow walked with me
There’s something to add to the stash of insight ;)
Where Are My Wings?
Where Are My Wings?
Yesterday afternoon, Stac and I were peacefully each engrossed in a new book…As we poured over our fiction in the living room, suddenly: “BA-BOOM!!!” came as an impound shook the ceiling above. We both looked at each other calmly, and I said, “Well. Somebody just tried to fly.”(We returned to our reading.) You know those great memories you try to block out. I tried multiple times to fly-leaping from high objects and spreading my ‘wings.’ Stac, do you remember the incident with the laundry basket? Yeahh…..Um….thats another epic fail which we’ll save for another time.
Sometimes, even as the “brightest crayons in the box” that we believe ourselves to be as teens-we have ‘epic fails’ too. Now, if I had been the ideal child, I would have asked if it would work. But most of the time, kids don’t ask if things will work before they attempt. And then there’s a problem-whether bruised knees are involved, or, as we get older, broken dreams and aching hearts.
Most of the times we get ourselves into a dilemma, its because of our will and pride. Next time your parents say ‘no’….don’t get bent out of shape. There are somethings in this life that we don’t see from our perspectives, and only a fall would be involved. And usually shakes more then the ceiling. Maybe we need to look for more than a landing spot. Maybe we need to look for Someone who can get us there….There’s some deep insight.
PS Today, pray for safe travels as the Generations of Virtue Team heads out to the CA and AZ conventions. Here’s the link of GOV’s Travel Schedule:
Yesterday afternoon, Stac and I were peacefully each engrossed in a new book…As we poured over our fiction in the living room, suddenly: “BA-BOOM!!!” came as an impound shook the ceiling above. We both looked at each other calmly, and I said, “Well. Somebody just tried to fly.”(We returned to our reading.) You know those great memories you try to block out. I tried multiple times to fly-leaping from high objects and spreading my ‘wings.’ Stac, do you remember the incident with the laundry basket? Yeahh…..Um….thats another epic fail which we’ll save for another time.
Sometimes, even as the “brightest crayons in the box” that we believe ourselves to be as teens-we have ‘epic fails’ too. Now, if I had been the ideal child, I would have asked if it would work. But most of the time, kids don’t ask if things will work before they attempt. And then there’s a problem-whether bruised knees are involved, or, as we get older, broken dreams and aching hearts.
Most of the times we get ourselves into a dilemma, its because of our will and pride. Next time your parents say ‘no’….don’t get bent out of shape. There are somethings in this life that we don’t see from our perspectives, and only a fall would be involved. And usually shakes more then the ceiling. Maybe we need to look for more than a landing spot. Maybe we need to look for Someone who can get us there….There’s some deep insight.
PS Today, pray for safe travels as the Generations of Virtue Team heads out to the CA and AZ conventions. Here’s the link of GOV’s Travel Schedule:
Decisions, decisions.
Hi again...
I couldn't decide wether to write about Toy Story 3 or the sunset tonight, so, I decided to write about indecision.
I'm sure its happened to you. There are SO many choices in life today. Tests (hopefully you don't choose on those...), friends (quite the experience), and electronics, etc.. How many times have you made a decision you regret. Even something as simple as lunchtime. By dinner you're famished and throughly regret that 'brilliant' plan. Maybe it's that ‘one chance in a lifetime’ kind of thing and, somehow, (poof) it's gone. Missed by not keeping an eye on the clock or a busy schedule. Or, you just plain don’t want to do it.
Personally I think it's high time we let Someone who governs all time, knowledge and the great decisions of our universe take over our small minded plans and simple ideas. Proverbs 16:33 says,
The lot is cast into the lap,
but its every decision is from the LORD.
Come to think about it, we don’t even own what we think we own, including our resolutions. We have no idea where they will lead us, or even lead our Nation (no, I’m not exaggerating). =) Everything on the face of this earth belongs to God. And I can’t imagine it being in better hands.
Sorry I’m late...
I couldn't decide wether to write about Toy Story 3 or the sunset tonight, so, I decided to write about indecision.
I'm sure its happened to you. There are SO many choices in life today. Tests (hopefully you don't choose on those...), friends (quite the experience), and electronics, etc.. How many times have you made a decision you regret. Even something as simple as lunchtime. By dinner you're famished and throughly regret that 'brilliant' plan. Maybe it's that ‘one chance in a lifetime’ kind of thing and, somehow, (poof) it's gone. Missed by not keeping an eye on the clock or a busy schedule. Or, you just plain don’t want to do it.
Personally I think it's high time we let Someone who governs all time, knowledge and the great decisions of our universe take over our small minded plans and simple ideas. Proverbs 16:33 says,
The lot is cast into the lap,
but its every decision is from the LORD.
Come to think about it, we don’t even own what we think we own, including our resolutions. We have no idea where they will lead us, or even lead our Nation (no, I’m not exaggerating). =) Everything on the face of this earth belongs to God. And I can’t imagine it being in better hands.
Sorry I’m late...
“The times we find ourselves having to wait on others may be the perfect opportunities to train ourselves to wait on the Lord.” ~Joni Eareckson Tada
Whoa. “Deep, that is.” (Stacia and I agreed after staring at the screen for a long minute.) It’s so true though. Sometimes, as teens- we feel like all we do is wait/hang around. You know, the instance where your friend is over and you both spend 45 minutes deciding, ‘Idk, dude, what do you wanna do?’
That’s why there’s tons of songs out there about waiting. Obviously, instances will occur when we’re all like, “Well, I’m just waiting on God for His calling.” (John Waller: “While I’m Waiting”/ (Brandon Heath: “Wait and See”) or “I’m just waiting for ‘the one.’” (Rebecca St. James: “Wait for Me”)
And good grief, these questions are critical in our lives, I sure am not down-playing their significance! Hey, I ask myself these questions all the time, as I’m sure you do too. Its important to have these questions, and find time to answer them.
I want to encourage you to do two things: #1: Most importantly- Build a foundation in Christ. Make Him your ultimate ‘BFF’ (that’s ‘best friend forever,’ guys ;) ) and focus on Him. Sheesh, how many times has He waited on you? #2: Ask God to open doors for you to do something for Him as you wait. They might not be big, but they’re out there. Get more connected with your family, check out opportunities around you too.
So there you go peeps: some deep insight there for y’all today. And as to tomorrow’s post…well, you’ll just have to Wait for it ;)
PS: Check out:
Whoa. “Deep, that is.” (Stacia and I agreed after staring at the screen for a long minute.) It’s so true though. Sometimes, as teens- we feel like all we do is wait/hang around. You know, the instance where your friend is over and you both spend 45 minutes deciding, ‘Idk, dude, what do you wanna do?’
That’s why there’s tons of songs out there about waiting. Obviously, instances will occur when we’re all like, “Well, I’m just waiting on God for His calling.” (John Waller: “While I’m Waiting”/ (Brandon Heath: “Wait and See”) or “I’m just waiting for ‘the one.’” (Rebecca St. James: “Wait for Me”)
And good grief, these questions are critical in our lives, I sure am not down-playing their significance! Hey, I ask myself these questions all the time, as I’m sure you do too. Its important to have these questions, and find time to answer them.
I want to encourage you to do two things: #1: Most importantly- Build a foundation in Christ. Make Him your ultimate ‘BFF’ (that’s ‘best friend forever,’ guys ;) ) and focus on Him. Sheesh, how many times has He waited on you? #2: Ask God to open doors for you to do something for Him as you wait. They might not be big, but they’re out there. Get more connected with your family, check out opportunities around you too.
So there you go peeps: some deep insight there for y’all today. And as to tomorrow’s post…well, you’ll just have to Wait for it ;)
PS: Check out:
Forget the Plain.
An old Chinese Proverb says that you can't see the plain without scaling the mountain. One thing. Why do we want to see a plain? So we can see the beauty of reward, usually, right? What if we could see more then that. What if we could see the future. Don't panic. I do still have a brain in my noggin. But seriously, who doesn't worry about the days ahead? Tests to complete, friends to keep and schedules to hold.
My chief worry is what I'm going to do with my life. I know, I know. Sounds pretty drastic, doesn't it. But I do. There is so much opportunity out there and differences to make. I could do that! Where to start, though? Plenty of examples. Just take the Harris brothers, for one. And I could go on and on. The future is such a large subject that most people avoid it completely, or just don't take it seriously.
One day, I was flipping through my Bible, when I came upon Matthew 6:25-34.
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Each day has trouble enough of its own. You could say that again. I found so much comfort in these verses. It has SO many points to delve deeper into. But for now look carefully at verse 27. Worrying our lives away is no way to dilly-dally! There's a world out there, waiting to be discovered! Why complain, gripe and procrastinate when we could be scaling our mountains. Life's out there. Jump for it. God will be there to catch you.
Feeling very inspired,
An old Chinese Proverb says that you can't see the plain without scaling the mountain. One thing. Why do we want to see a plain? So we can see the beauty of reward, usually, right? What if we could see more then that. What if we could see the future. Don't panic. I do still have a brain in my noggin. But seriously, who doesn't worry about the days ahead? Tests to complete, friends to keep and schedules to hold.
My chief worry is what I'm going to do with my life. I know, I know. Sounds pretty drastic, doesn't it. But I do. There is so much opportunity out there and differences to make. I could do that! Where to start, though? Plenty of examples. Just take the Harris brothers, for one. And I could go on and on. The future is such a large subject that most people avoid it completely, or just don't take it seriously.
One day, I was flipping through my Bible, when I came upon Matthew 6:25-34.
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Each day has trouble enough of its own. You could say that again. I found so much comfort in these verses. It has SO many points to delve deeper into. But for now look carefully at verse 27. Worrying our lives away is no way to dilly-dally! There's a world out there, waiting to be discovered! Why complain, gripe and procrastinate when we could be scaling our mountains. Life's out there. Jump for it. God will be there to catch you.
Feeling very inspired,
Request #1
Come right on in!
"God of This City" by Chris Tomlin is what Stac and I were listening to as we were praying about starting this blog.....and its what I'm listening to as I type...and eat Oreos. Check out the lyrics!
As a teen in this fast-paced culture, its super hard not to get caught up in the 'now' of well..."now." Which is why its so vital to plant seeds where it will matter in the future. On Govjrcrew, we'll keep ya up to date on how YOU can make a difference from right where you are! Anywho- onto our first request, all you followers out there- ya, I know your there. I think-all the faithful four of you so far :)
As Generations of Virtue plans and prepares for our upcoming Asia Ministry trip, we'd sure appreciate your prayers. It's an 8 week missions trip with 15 people; beginning in early October. An endeavor to be sure, but one which is going to impact so many people: especially teens like you. As our leaders prayerfully consider our destinations, where our toothbrush will live, plane tickets, and all those resources- we'd appreciate you to pray for a "Shamu" the whale. It would be so helpful getting all of us and our luggage over to the other half of the world! Or: if its easier then explaining to Seaworld why you must take its star, how about praying for smooth travels, frequent flyers points, funds and luggage space to multiply!!!
Good afternoon to ya'll out there- and thanks for stopping by,
"God of This City" by Chris Tomlin is what Stac and I were listening to as we were praying about starting this blog.....and its what I'm listening to as I type...and eat Oreos. Check out the lyrics!
As a teen in this fast-paced culture, its super hard not to get caught up in the 'now' of well..."now." Which is why its so vital to plant seeds where it will matter in the future. On Govjrcrew, we'll keep ya up to date on how YOU can make a difference from right where you are! Anywho- onto our first request, all you followers out there- ya, I know your there. I think-all the faithful four of you so far :)
As Generations of Virtue plans and prepares for our upcoming Asia Ministry trip, we'd sure appreciate your prayers. It's an 8 week missions trip with 15 people; beginning in early October. An endeavor to be sure, but one which is going to impact so many people: especially teens like you. As our leaders prayerfully consider our destinations, where our toothbrush will live, plane tickets, and all those resources- we'd appreciate you to pray for a "Shamu" the whale. It would be so helpful getting all of us and our luggage over to the other half of the world! Or: if its easier then explaining to Seaworld why you must take its star, how about praying for smooth travels, frequent flyers points, funds and luggage space to multiply!!!
Good afternoon to ya'll out there- and thanks for stopping by,
The Beginning...
Hi there,
The Beginning. A very good place to start. If you have a good subject that is...Anyway, I will try to find good subjects for this blog that will not send your eyelids to drooping. Bri and I have been planning this blog for a grand total of (drum-roll please): 7 hours! Woot-woot! So, if you have a record of explosive and hurried planning, please let me know.
This is a blog that will hopefully glorify God in every aspect, and show teens and tweens a new perspective of our world today. Traveling in 2010 and beyond is quite an experience. Oversize airplanes, brand new entertainment and trying not to panic while avoiding being crushed by a 2 ton whale.
Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in our world, and I think kids like us can have a pretty big impact, no matter what our age is. So here it is. The GOV Jr. Crew blog. Enjoy!
Is the page we base this off of. =]
The Beginning. A very good place to start. If you have a good subject that is...Anyway, I will try to find good subjects for this blog that will not send your eyelids to drooping. Bri and I have been planning this blog for a grand total of (drum-roll please): 7 hours! Woot-woot! So, if you have a record of explosive and hurried planning, please let me know.
This is a blog that will hopefully glorify God in every aspect, and show teens and tweens a new perspective of our world today. Traveling in 2010 and beyond is quite an experience. Oversize airplanes, brand new entertainment and trying not to panic while avoiding being crushed by a 2 ton whale.
Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in our world, and I think kids like us can have a pretty big impact, no matter what our age is. So here it is. The GOV Jr. Crew blog. Enjoy!
Is the page we base this off of. =]
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