

“The times we find ourselves having to wait on others may be the perfect opportunities to train ourselves to wait on the Lord.” ~Joni Eareckson Tada

Whoa. “Deep, that is.” (Stacia and I agreed after staring at the screen for a long minute.) It’s so true though. Sometimes, as teens- we feel like all we do is wait/hang around. You know, the instance where your friend is over and you both spend 45 minutes deciding, ‘Idk, dude, what do you wanna do?’

That’s why there’s tons of songs out there about waiting. Obviously, instances will occur when we’re all like, “Well, I’m just waiting on God for His calling.” (John Waller: “While I’m Waiting”/ (Brandon Heath: “Wait and See”) or “I’m just waiting for ‘the one.’” (Rebecca St. James: “Wait for Me”)

And good grief, these questions are critical in our lives, I sure am not down-playing their significance! Hey, I ask myself these questions all the time, as I’m sure you do too. Its important to have these questions, and find time to answer them.

I want to encourage you to do two things: #1: Most importantly- Build a foundation in Christ. Make Him your ultimate ‘BFF’ (that’s ‘best friend forever,’ guys ;) ) and focus on Him. Sheesh, how many times has He waited on you? #2: Ask God to open doors for you to do something for Him as you wait. They might not be big, but they’re out there. Get more connected with your family, check out opportunities around you too.

So there you go peeps: some deep insight there for y’all today. And as to tomorrow’s post…well, you’ll just have to Wait for it ;)



PS: Check out: http://christianforex.com/

1 comment:

  1. i think you generalized and discriminated against guys here bri... i mean, i knew what BFF meant...

    but other than that... good work... :D
