
Quick Stuff...

Quick Update:

As the GOV Team and us, Forever Interns-head to CA this coming weekend-your prayers are so important! GOV is launching an all new, hard hitting Teen Track and Parental Sessions. We’re so looking forward not only to the warmer temperatures, but to what God will do! Its going to be a powerful weekend. Be praying especially for the travel connections due to weather conditions. We want to get in and out on time and safely! Also be praying for the teens, kids and parents who will be attending: Lord prepare their hearts to receive Your message, and for it to be life changing! Bless them abundantly through this coming weekend! Guide the Team with Your words to share! So here goes…Generations of Virtue’s FIRST Teen Track of 2011!

Quick Note:

Good worship-the kind of worship that is solid-so full of God’s overflowing presence, it makes me fall to my knees, raise my hands in awe, and I feel so indebted, so unworthy, so thankful, so loved. When I feel tired, worn out, stressed-or even when I don’t-I just love to take ten minutes and just worship. When I finish, my heart is full and I feel relief and renewal! It’s important to not only worship on Sunday morning, or Youth Group-but to take a moment and do it voluntarily on your own. I find there’s some songs in particular that God has placed on my heart-and that when I hear them, they give me chills and I am again so aware of God and how much I owe Him! And so I encourage you-draw closer to Him through worship. You’ll be glad you did.

Quick Wrap Up:

“Here Goes” (Bebo Norman)…

And we're off to Cali Thursday!

Many Blessings,

Bri-reporting for the


Wow, I didn't realize you could do all these colors...cool.... =D I'm having way too much fun at this job...


  1. Will add that to my Prayers! Totally with in the worship thing, I've needed that a lot for the last while.

  2. Its pretty amazing what worship does!

  3. Bri and Stac, there's a book somewhere in one of the houses called The Battle Belongs to the Lord by Joyce Meyer...it's a great read on the power of worship. And since I bought it, there are notes and my personal song suggestions throughout the book. I left it there because I didn't want to pack it.

    Will certainly be praying. Especially now that I know what GOV is all about :)

  4. Oh thanks Kate! I will check around the houses and be on the lookout for it-and ask some of the Team. I would love to read it-thanks so much for the suggestion! =D

  5. I'll be praying Bri!

    Oh, and by the way...I love all the colors! =)

  6. Thanks, Kat!
    Haha...we're experimenting in the blogger design palettes... :)
