
Countdown Begins...

Countdown begins. In earnest. For real. 39 days until we leave the country.
The quiet before the storm…..
Er, not exactly. An eight week missions trip for 14 people to 8 different countries in Souteast Asia is by no means planned in one meeting….or one pot of coffee. So much planning:
Transportation, plane tickets, passports, visas, health regulations, packing, continuing to supervise Headquarters and Wharehouse while being out of the country, planning speaking engagements….meeting with different international Christian aid workers, working with various ministries…conecting with leaders……..shall I go on? Packing clothes, resources, basic needs, planning lodging for each country. Stuff for the kids to do on the 17 hour plane ride, balancing weight restrictions for tight luggage space, international phone plans, and so much more that I can’t even begin to eleaborate on.
Feeling overwhelmed just reading this? God is able, His Grace is sufficient and nothing is beyong His provision.
Keep the group in prayer as we embark on this journey. Check out our latest Asia Clip link below to catch a glimpse of what we’ll be doing in Southeast Asia this next few months…

1 comment:

  1. wow... looks like fun... sounds like something i would like... :P

    i'll be praying for y'all... and remember, coffee is a universal thing. you can always find some somewhere... :D
