
ReConnect Speakers!


Check out our list of featured speakers for ReConnect!



A Mock Booth Memo

Generations of Virtue is undergoing "Mock Booth Setup." Which...if your not in the know, means literally to set up our standard conference booth space, and the inventory of all resources...in the garage. Then load it into the Trailer Shamoo...who is happily out of storage and sitting in the driveway. Its busy-with team members stacking, counting, pricing, labeling, writing, talking, and music playing on top of it all. The majority of last night was spent tying book sets and stickering brochures. And the day spent promoting ReConnect, Vail.
Reminisce: "Remember when we would have to hole punch and print "Beautifully Made Sets" ourselves, then bind them? And when Sara was using Word and Clip Art to do photographic design for all the publishing we did?"
We've come a long way.
And know God's going to take us farther.
Back to the garage,
Bri and Stac


Hit the Road-Official Convention Season Comences

SO: As Generations of Virtue forms their T1 and T2 (Team 1 and Team 2) to pull out and head to various conventions on the docket- God's continually bringing new adventures to the table.

T1 heads off to Hawaii early next week where Julie is speaking, and the Team is running the GOV Teen Track. T2, begins the haul drive to Memphis, TN for a convention ordeal.

God is opening doors for GOV and continuing to bless us! With new team members, interns, and different venues-its going to take added unity as a Team and prayer. So here we go: loads going on here at Gzro GOV HQ (Ground zero GOV Headquarters.) To receiving all the shipments of books for on the road (the UPS man is fast friends), to organizing travel schedules for the whole Team, who is in possession of the french press, do we have purple duct tape, and even those on the home front, the marketing and advertising for ReConnect....ect

The TEAM is on the go. Its 'Convention Season.' We're on the road. In the air. Underground. (Jk...) So we're keeping an eye on the road and hearts toward God. Continue to pray as they head off to these events: the back to back ones, the doubled up ones, the week-after-week speaking events and meetings.

PRAY they complete everything.

God bless the Team-and you.



Giving an Ear to Those Answers

When YOU were born-God already knew WHO you’d become. (This may sound elementary, but stick with me.) HE knew who your parents would be, if you would be the first child, or the 4th. HE knew all these things way before you did. He also knows your gifts. Because HE has entrusted them to you. Now. Some things come naturally-we all have questions about our lives, and some of the answers are no-brainers. If somebody walks up and asks me a few questions about myself, I would probably be able to answer most of them. If they said, “Hey, Bri-are you musically inclined?” I would say, “Oh totally!”…but if they go onto ask…”So are you going to major at a music academy, go into recording, or public teaching? Which school do you want to go to?” I would make a face, and say ‘Uhhhh….’ Sure, its one of my giftings, but I don’t know if I want to pursue it professionally…yet…

Even if your far along in your Christian walk

Some of us know right off the bat what we want to do-and dive head on into pursuing the end of that goal. Others spend seemingly forever, going back and forth between different ideas…some even go to college for one, and then change their mind. Haven’t you ever met somebody who thinks of a new career every other week, based on their mood or what inspires them? I sure have. I’d say I’ve been known to do that, and would be the first to admit I really am still searching for my ‘Nitch’ in this world. I mean, give a girl a break-there’s so much out there!

So…somethings come naturally. We know the answers to a fair amount of questions about ourselves. And other questions…we sure wish we knew the answers. God didn’t (although I sure wish he did) write a book in the Bible, entitled, “Bri’s Answers to All Her Life Questions.” Wow. Now wouldn’t that be fabulous. But He didn’t. I think I know why. He wanted us to have to SEARCH after His will- to fill in the blanks to our questions. And most of the time, it will take more then a, “So Lord, what college should I apply for?” AS we fill out the paperwork applications. It takes time. And effort. And 9 out of 10-it takes us laying our desires at His feet. And THAT takes some humbling. And tears.

God is OVERLY faithful in answering you when you call out about the answers to questions. I know He is! If you ask any Christian-they SHOULD have more then one instance where they heard from God about a question they had. How are you hearing from Him? Are you 100% sure that when your hearing from Him-your own will isn’t trickling into the answer? Especially when it comes to tough decisions-schooling, college, jobs, relationships/friendships-we need to make SURE we’re right on. Sometimes God tells us to do stuff we never would have dreamed of, and we seriously don’t want to-and think the guy upstairs is crazy… But it has its rewards- and its important to listen. So hey-give an ear, bend a knee, and be sure all your life is in line with His. I’ll be working on it too.





So here's a recap of Generations of Virtue weekend at City Blessing! It was a crazy busy weekend to say the least!

(Hitting the ground running) ...
Most of the Team landed sometime Thursday and most went straight to a service Julie preached at that night. Friday evening we launched our first section of the Teen Track...Saturday's continuation of the previous night's Teen Tack began early that morning and ran until late in the afternoon...simultaneously: Julie ran the Parents Seminars...following it, we went to a service that night at City Blessing's Temple City location where we also shared. Sunday morning we doubled up and went to their San Bernandino location for the early service, and made the 40 minute drive straight back to their Claremont location for the late service. It ran until about 3, and then some of us drove the hour back to LA to catch flights out later that evening. A FULL and Blessed weekend to say the least!

A few of our team are actually still in the LA area-and today are learning about filming with professional movie equipment!

While at the first morning service on Sunday-we finished slightly late-because we were praying over so many people and God's Spirit was moving so powerfully! We finished at 11:20, and made the 40 minute drive to make it to the second service at another location: their service began AT 11, and we began around noon. They had a rocking worship time for the first hour while waiting :)

I'm glad to be back in CO-I miss CA's warm weather, but not its perpetual traffic! The weather there was beautiful and no flights were delayed or canceled because of weather problems. So Praise God! The couple we stayed with were incredibly gracious and hospitable as well-and blessed us so much by letting us stay at their beautiful home just minutes away from the main church.

Personally, my faith was so strengthened throughout this time-through the services, the outstanding worship, the youth group/teen tracks, the ministry we did, and all of the above. Not only did our Teen track go splendidly, as well as the Parental talks, and the book table, ring sales-but more importantly there were so many testimonies created. People came up to the Team and there were praise reports of prayers answered, miracles which had taken place, and the change God was bringing about in their lives since this time last year when GOV ministered.

When you are allowing God to work through you-even if the schedule is jam packed, and there's not time to think- I think your more aware and appreciative of what He is doing. I am so thankful for what God did-and all He will continue to do!

So...there's the recap-thank you all for your prayers-God made it into a huge success and blessing.

GOV now has a 'break' from traveling for a week or two...and then its off to the Mid-South Homeschool Convention Memphis, TN...coinciding with CHOH* Teen Track Honolulu, HI!!! But don't stop praying now! GOV is still working hard to prepare for those events, and more, and various other surprises to come :)

Until Next Time...


Quick Stuff...

Quick Update:

As the GOV Team and us, Forever Interns-head to CA this coming weekend-your prayers are so important! GOV is launching an all new, hard hitting Teen Track and Parental Sessions. We’re so looking forward not only to the warmer temperatures, but to what God will do! Its going to be a powerful weekend. Be praying especially for the travel connections due to weather conditions. We want to get in and out on time and safely! Also be praying for the teens, kids and parents who will be attending: Lord prepare their hearts to receive Your message, and for it to be life changing! Bless them abundantly through this coming weekend! Guide the Team with Your words to share! So here goes…Generations of Virtue’s FIRST Teen Track of 2011!

Quick Note:

Good worship-the kind of worship that is solid-so full of God’s overflowing presence, it makes me fall to my knees, raise my hands in awe, and I feel so indebted, so unworthy, so thankful, so loved. When I feel tired, worn out, stressed-or even when I don’t-I just love to take ten minutes and just worship. When I finish, my heart is full and I feel relief and renewal! It’s important to not only worship on Sunday morning, or Youth Group-but to take a moment and do it voluntarily on your own. I find there’s some songs in particular that God has placed on my heart-and that when I hear them, they give me chills and I am again so aware of God and how much I owe Him! And so I encourage you-draw closer to Him through worship. You’ll be glad you did.

Quick Wrap Up:

“Here Goes” (Bebo Norman)…

And we're off to Cali Thursday!

Many Blessings,

Bri-reporting for the


Wow, I didn't realize you could do all these colors...cool.... =D I'm having way too much fun at this job...


Ok…So, flipping through my Bible this morning, what was I to come across but the fascinating, if tedious, records, in places like Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. Exodus chapter 29 deals entirely with what Aaron (Moses’ big brother) and his son’s were to wear as the first high priest of Israel. Yes, you read that right, the entire 29th chapter. Everything from the colors, fabric, texture and adornments (to the last millimeter) to the pieces, the measurements, when to wear them and, very helpfully, where to wear them. They were made by the best tailors, goldsmiths, silversmiths and gem cutters. But the thing that really shocked me was at the end of the chapter where it says, and I quote, “…so that they will not die.”. Yikes. Now, I’m not saying that if you wear anything but what you’re supposed to you’ll keel over immediately, but if you think about this passage carefully, who gave these strict orders? Not Moses, God. So, if he was so careful about what entered his temple and was so precise in the clothing His wayward children wore, then how much more can we be as His treasured and sacrificed for people who owe Him the rescuing of our faith. He made arrangements, from the hem to the collar, don’t you think He cares for what we wear as well? Looking at it from another angle, we are His temples. Jesus is in us as the eternal high priest. If you look at the chapters concerning Solomon’s incredible temple, you’ll see the great lengths he went to to make it the most spectacular building ever made. I don’t think we should be any less cautious in the vibes we are putting out with what we wear. Trust me, being modest doesn’t mean being out of fashion. You don’t even have to look at this as fashion if you aren’t as interested in the newest stuff. You can take it as being pure in general. Here are our temple’s, and if we defile them, where will our Savior go to reach us?

Something to think about,


Keeping in Sync and a Prayer Request

Keeping in Sync and a Prayer Request

Pure Gen is a blog created to encourage and motivate teens to take a stand for purity day to day. Check out the link below and stay in on the upcoming posts and feed.

Also-for parents: the official GOV Parental Blog! With fast paced updates via Twitter, FB, and our homepage blog-parents can stay connected thanks to GOV.


I gave a call across the way to the GOV Gift House: where the Team is busy despite the snow inhibiting/-20 degrees outdoors. "So-you guys have any immediate prayer requests that I can stick on the GovJrCrew Blog today?" Kelsey puts me on hold for a minute and confers with the rest of the Team throughout the office..."Yeah-really keep the upcoming LA events in tight prayer." So there you have it, followers. The upcoming LA events-which you can check out on the link below. The 11th and 12th-Teen Track and Parent Track!

Also-to all those in places warmer then subzero-send some warmth over here. We're talking-like- the 20s is a heatwave.
Blessings from your GOV Team Eskimos here in the Rockies...