
Hit the Road-Official Convention Season Comences

SO: As Generations of Virtue forms their T1 and T2 (Team 1 and Team 2) to pull out and head to various conventions on the docket- God's continually bringing new adventures to the table.

T1 heads off to Hawaii early next week where Julie is speaking, and the Team is running the GOV Teen Track. T2, begins the haul drive to Memphis, TN for a convention ordeal.

God is opening doors for GOV and continuing to bless us! With new team members, interns, and different venues-its going to take added unity as a Team and prayer. So here we go: loads going on here at Gzro GOV HQ (Ground zero GOV Headquarters.) To receiving all the shipments of books for on the road (the UPS man is fast friends), to organizing travel schedules for the whole Team, who is in possession of the french press, do we have purple duct tape, and even those on the home front, the marketing and advertising for ReConnect....ect

The TEAM is on the go. Its 'Convention Season.' We're on the road. In the air. Underground. (Jk...) So we're keeping an eye on the road and hearts toward God. Continue to pray as they head off to these events: the back to back ones, the doubled up ones, the week-after-week speaking events and meetings.

PRAY they complete everything.

God bless the Team-and you.



  1. So...I am not too techy. I give up on blog design. Stacia: "What'd ya do to MY template??"
    Me: "Well...I pushed something.." Conclusion: Stacia is taking over technical settings: aka-blog backgrounds. Isn't that sad? :)

  2. There. Now it looks better. You rock, Stac :)

  3. so, the junior team gets to come to VA this year, right? :D

  4. The juniors are really hoping to-but very likely we'll be at Nationals :)

  5. I'm so excited...to be rockin' it with the GOV Team again!

  6. 'Rock'in it!' =D Yup-its going to be an amazing year.

  7. This is the best time of the year lol well one of them. Did you hear gus's family isn't going out this year?

  8. Its a busy/fun time of the year.
    Heard something about that, yeah.

  9. Uh huh! Yeah....we were super bummed when we heard :(

  10. It says on the memphis convention website that your mom is speaking there. But if she's speaking at Hawaii, how can she do memphis?

  11. http://www.midsouthhomeschoolconvention.com/featuredspeakers (She's not on the list of featured speakers for Memphis-only a team is going-and then they go straight onto the next two)


  12. She's speaking at Hawaii this year, not Memphis. And then she speaks at UTCH (Utah-we're just sending a team to cover Memphis, then straight to Hearts @ Home Minnesota, then to Cinci. GOV is at a lot of conventions-but Julie isn't speaking at all of them-we're concentraing on our ReConnect Conferences, in Vail, LA, and Dc mostly.

  13. She's not a featured speaker, but she is speaking on the memphis workshop schedule. Here is what it says (East Mezzanine JULIE HIRAMINE - Setting the Paradigm for Purity)from 4-5 pm. She speaks twice I believe. At least thats what the convention is planning on. Also is Julie your mom lol?

  14. Here is the link if you want to read it. http://www.midsouthhomeschoolconvention.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/2011-MidSouth-_Memphis_-Schedule-Speakers-Topics-Timesx.pdf

    You have to scroll down a bit

  15. *Hearts at Home Illinois

    Thanks-I'll show it to the director of events.

  16. Thanks for pointing that out-we missed that.
    Mhm-thanks :)

  17. Yeah no problem at all. What are you going to do about it? Your welcome and remember.

  18. I told Mom and she's having Sara contact them. Maybe it will bring our booth some extra publicity :)

  19. lol ok. But lets hope it does. You could speak instead of her ;)

  20. I'm sure you could do it. I know, but if you spoke you would have to go. (I'm joking)

  21. Haha, well Stac and I won't be at Memphis :P
