
O Dumbo....

Amen Sista. (I rode it too: and it was an awesome family bonding time together =D I am SO taking my family to ride elephants into jungle rivers at least once…God is ultimately creative in all that He has made! I learned some awesome facts about those gentle giants-check these out: They are one of the only animals that celebrates a birth, and mourns a death. They stick together through thick and thin in families. They can live to be up to 80 years old! And good grief: an elephants pregnancy term is up to 22 months! They have an amazing memory, and are one of the only creatures who can process a situation and actually reach a concensis and solve the problem. Oh, and note to self: they are not as cushy as they look. Their backbone sticks out a good 10 inches, and that thing has Big hips-I thought I would fall off with its swagger. They are now one of my favorite animals. That and whales. Humpback whales are incredible. If you go to Hawaii between the months of December to March-the humpback whales are there to have their babies-due to the warm water and food. Humpbacks will celebrate each birth-if a baby is born, they sound the announcement, and for miles around-simultanously-they will all jump up to the surface to celebrate. That’s why its one of the best times to go whale watching. Anyway- God’s creation is so outstanding….and if He put this much effort and creativity into whales and elephants: how much more did He put into you? What did HE want YOU to accomplish for His glory in your time right now?
Yeah. I go deep into this elephant riding stuff. I had a blast-and will have more fun as I delve deeper into this time God’s given me right here and now. I challenge you to do the same.
Blessings from here in hot Malaysia, (I am writing this sitting on the marble floor to try to cool down…pray for a cold streak will ya? :P)
Munch on that for awhile and thanks for all your prayers,

(This was written sometime last week. Quick REAL update: entire crew is here in Singapore for another week! Getting ready to leave for a big teen track at a school this afternoon! (Your middle of the night).....Praise God for His headway as we watch Him work His way and unfold things only He can imagine! =D )


  1. oh my goodness-gosh! that is truly amazing! and just think; you're going to remember that moment till the day you die. that truly is incredible. :)

    have fun in singapore! God bless!

  2. 'Tis and will always be a great memory!
    Thanks so much! We sure will and are =D
    Blessings back at ya ;)
