
Why don't I ever win?!

Story time:
A couple days ago, I was procrastinating whether I should go to a certain place or not. I sulked into the kitchen and threw myself into a chair and sighed loudly. My sister calmly asked what my matter was. I explained, and, (she being bestowed with great sense) suggested that I go and get a verse about it. I rushed to my Bible , fully expecting to get back-up for my case.

When I did succeed, I went back downstairs, dragging my feet with every step. Finally reaching the kitchen my sister, as cheerful as ever, asked what I got.
"Well..." I answered slowly, " Let's just say I think I should go."
"Ok." She smiled. "Go get ready then."
"But I-"
"Don't argue with me. God's the one who gave you the verse. What was it anyway?"
"Ummm....something like, 'Go. And the Lord be with you.'"
The End.

Now, personally, I really don't like arguing with God. He always wins. And, once you think about, He always will. So, If you take my opinion, don't. I still haven't learned it's absolutely futile. Every once in while I'll find myself blaming HIm for something I know is probably just part of the bigger scheme. Sometimes it's hard to accept the part given to you. You're the either the star of the show or just an extra. But remember. Extra's are important. After all, what would the whole dramatic world do without them. They're willing stepping-stones, always looking at the bigger picture. And helping. Always helping.

Getting ready to go,


  1. poor stac... at least you aren't arguing... :DD

    and remember 1 Corinthians 12. While you may not think your role is important, remember that you are placed where you are because you have some certain talent or ability.

    and remember, we are all a team. God gave us talents and abilities, with the expectation that we would use them for His glory...

    BTW, where were you going anyways? :P

  2. Thanks! Weeelllll....to a Martial Art's class. That was one LONG day. But I ended up helping someone who needed some encouragement. =]
